Manage Bridge settings

For security reasons, settings of your Bridge can only be managed when you are on site. Your Bridge has to be in maintenance mode.

  1. Enter the maintenance mode to manage your Bridge:
    Press and hold the button for 10 seconds. The LED blinking every second indicates maintenance mode.
  2. Connect the Nuki App to the Bridge in maintenance mode:
    Open the Nuki App and enter the main menu (top left, three yellow bars). Select "Manage devices" > "Accessories" > "Bridge".
Manage Bridge screen

The Nuki App will now show you Server, Bridge and Nuki device in an overview. If all components are connected, they are marked with a green dot.

  • Tap the server icon to...
    Choose or change your network to connect your Bridge to the desired Wi-Fi.
  • Tap the Bridge icon to...
    Get the Bridge ID and the installed firmware version or reset the Bridge to factory defaults.
    You can also activate the HTTP API here.
  • Tap the device icon to...
    Choose or change the Nuki device you want to control online. Here you can also find out the connection status of your Nuki device.