LED Signalization of the Smart Lock

The status of your door is not only shown in the Nuki app but also directly on the Smart Lock by a LED signalization on the rotating ring.

In addition to the illuminated ring, the the Smart Locks of the 3rd generation and newer have a red LED in the upper segment of the ring. This LED is used to display errors and warnings directly on the Smart Lock. If the red LED lights up, open the Nuki app to get further information about the error or warning and troubleshooting steps.

Smart Lock 3.0 and Smart Lock (4th Generation)

State LED signalization
Smart Lock locked, inactive The LED ring is off. Led is off
Smart Lock unlocked The top segment of the LED ring flashes 1x every 1.5 seconds. Led is flashing
Pairing mode
The Smart Lock can be connected with other Bluetooth devices.
The LED ring is permanently glowing. Led lights up
Maintenance mode
The firmware of the Smart Lock can be updated or reset to factory settings.

The top segment of the LED ring is permanently glowing. Led top segment lights up
Smart Lock Ultra is charging
The Smart Lock is now charging on or off the door.

The red segment of the LED ring first flashes and then glows dimmed. As soon as it is fully charged, the red segment turns off again. Led flashes red
Nuki Door Sensor
Door open

The top segment of the LED ring is permanently glowing. Led top segment lights up
Nuki Door Sensor
Door closed

The lower segment of the LED ring is permanently glowing. Led bottom segment lights up
Error LED signalization
- Battery state crititcal
Please replace or load the batteries.
- Battery state of the Nuki accessory (Keypad or Door Sensor) critical
Please replace the batteries.
- No Wi-Fi connection
- Nuki Door Sensor removed
The red segment of the LED ring flashes 1x every 15 seconds (in total 4x).
Note: The error signalization is displayed directly after the locking action.
Led flashes red
The Smart Lock is not calibrated. The status was lost due to external influences. Please calibrate it with the Nuki app.
The red segment of the LED ring flashes 4x every 15 seconds. Led flashes red

Smart Lock (Version 1) and Smart Lock 2.0

State LED signalization
Smart Lock locked, inactive The LED ring is off. Led is off
Smart Lock unlocked The top segment of the LED ring flashes 1x every 1.5 seconds.  alt=
Pairing mode
The Smart Lock can be connected with other Bluetooth devices.
The LED ring is permanently glowing. Led lights up
Maintenance mode
The firmware of the Smart Lock can be updated or reset to factory settings.
The top segment of the LED ring is permanently glowing. Led top segment lights up
Battery state crititcal
Please replace the batteries.
Unlocked state: The top segment of the LED ring flashes 3x every 5 seconds.
Locked state: The top segment of the LED ring flashes 2x every 10 seconds.
Led is flashing
Motor blocked
Make sure that your Smart Lock is mounted correctly and the door is unlocked and open.
After a locking operation the LED ring flashes evenly for 10 seconds. After that, the top segment of the LED ring flashes 3x every 15 seconds. Led is flashing
The Smart Lock is not calibrated. The status was lost due to external influences. Please calibrate it with the Nuki app.
The top segment of the LED ring flashes 6x every 15 seconds. Led is flashing

Switch off the LED

You can always turn off your device's flashing and glowing. Simply tap on your device in your Nuki App, enter the settings, and go to “Features & Configuration”, “Button, LED  & Sound”, or “Button & LED”. Here, you can disable the LED signal. Switching off the LED signalization saves energy and prolongs battery life.