App Privacy Report: What data does Nuki access and why?

This article concerns:
  • Nuki iOS App

Apple's App Privacy Report tells you how often apps have accessed your location, photos, camera, microphone, contacts, and your media over the past seven days. In addition, you get a list of all web domains that were contacted by an app for the same period.

Data and sensor access

Nuki only accesses data when it is necessary. Depending on the features you use, Nuki will show up in your App Privacy Report.


  • Smart Actions
    The Nuki App needs the permission to use the location data of your iPhone for Auto Unlock, Smart Notifications and Warnings. The location is accessed when you enter or leave the defined radius around your home (geofence) as well as when you open the Nuki App.
    Learn how Auto Unlock works in detail.
    If the Nuki App does not receive location data from iOS, these features cannot be used.
  • Set location
    The Nuki App uses the location data of your iPhone when you set the location of your device. This also applies if you open the location via the ”Features & Configuration” section.

The location will only be stored on your end devices.
When using Nuki Web, the location is synchronized from your device to the Nuki servers.


  • Opener installation
    When installing the Opener we ask you for permission to access your camera. We always recommend taking a picture of the original wiring of your system. If you follow this recommendation, Nuki will ask to access your camera once during the Opener installation.

Network activities

  • Firebase Crashlytics
    Firebase Crashlytics helps our developers to improve the stability and reliability of the Nuki App by anonymized crash reports. Crashlytics identifies software errors. For this purpose it collects data such as endpoint type and device state. The collected general crash data allows a quick analysis of errors and provides information about possible causes.
    Personal data is not collected.
  • Nuki Server
    The Nuki app communicates with the Nuki servers. When you open the Nuki App, a connection to the Nuki servers is established. This way we check if your device can be reached via our servers. If you bring your Nuki device online, commands are also forwarded via our servers.

The Nuki servers can neither read nor execute commands. The Nuki servers only forward the commands. This means we do not store any data regarding the communication between your Nuki device and the Nuki App.