- Smart Lock
- Smart Door
Auto Lock automatically locks your door. Once your door has been unlocked, it is automatically locked again after a set period of time. You can set this period individually in the Nuki App.
How to enable Auto Lock and configure the time period
Tap on the Nuki device in the Nuki App. Then enter the settings and go to “Features & Configuration” and “Auto Lock”. Select a time period between 30 seconds and 30 minutes. After this period, Auto Lock will lock your door again. Your Smart Door only locks if it remains closed during this time frame.
Auto Lock with a Door Sensor or a Smart Door
For the Smart Door or if your Smart Lock is connected to a Door Sensor you have an additional option: "Lock immediately after closing". This means, you can choose to lock the door as soon as it is closed.
As long as the Door Sensor reports that the door is still open, Auto Lock does not lock it. Auto Lock also does not lock your door if the door sensor status remains unchanged – for example, if you only unlock your door and do not open it.
You can see automatic locking actions triggered by the Auto Lock feature in the activity log.